Experiences of cross-border mechanisms and tools in Italy, Austria and Slovenia

Experiences of cross-border mechanisms and tools in Italy, Austria and Slovenia

On the 26 June 2019, CIOFS-FP organised a peer review in the frame of the Posting of Workers in Eastern Europe (EEPOW) project. The focus was on the bilateral and multi-lateral cross-border mechanisms and tools employed by Member States in order to better implement the Directive 96/71/EC.

19/12/18 Local capacity building in Kosovo across divides

19/12/18 Local capacity building in Kosovo across divides

Key municipal and NGO stakeholders participated in 5 workshops across all regions in Kosovo to develop local action plans for improved social service delivery. This effort is part of the EU-funded project Support for better social services for the most vulnerable groups in Kosovo, which is led by Save the Children Kosovo in partnership with…

EEPOW Workshop in FYROM

EEPOW Workshop in FYROM

The fourth country workshop happened in Skopje, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on November 6, 2018. The workshop organized by the local partner, the organization PUBLIC with the support of the European Centre, brought together representatives from the Macedonian Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, the various ministerial directorates, the Labour Inspectorate, the social partners,…

MACRO conference 2018 in Chisinau: Social investments in focus

MACRO conference 2018 in Chisinau: Social investments in focus

Moldovan policy experts and scientists met during the 6th MACRO conference 2018 in Chisinau on 19 October 2018 to discuss Moldova’s attractiveness for international investments. While public authorities, local businesses, and civil society discussed the role of private and public investment for the countrie’s economic development, the European Centre highlighted the need for social investments….

EEPOW Workshop in Serbia

EEPOW Workshop in Serbia

The third country workshop happened in Belgrade, Serbia on September 26, 2018. The workshop organized by the local partner, the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs of the Republic of Serbia (MOLEVSA) with the support of the European Centre, brought together representatives from the Ministry themselves, Directorate for Employment, Labour Inspectorate, social partners,…