Integrated Case Management for Employment and Social Welfare Users in the Western Balkan economies

Integrated Case Management for Employment and Social Welfare Users in the Western Balkan economies

This policy brief provides insights into the application of integrated case management by Public Employment Services and Social Services institutions in the Western Balkans. The authors describe the status quo of case management and cooperative practices in the region and discuss the potentials and caveats of implementing integrated case management in such contexts. Based on…

EEPOW Workshop in Montenegro

EEPOW Workshop in Montenegro

The first country workshop happened in Podgorica, Montenegro on May 7, 2018. The workshop organized by the local partner, the Employment Agency of Montenegro and another partner, the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU), Slovenia with the support of the European Centre, brought together representatives from the Ministry of…

EEPOW workshop in Albania

EEPOW workshop in Albania

The second country workshop happened in Tirana, Albania on June 26, 2018. The workshop organized by the local partner, European Movement – Albania (EMA) with the support of the European Centre, brought together representatives from the Directorate for Employment and Vocational Trainings, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Labour Inspectorate, social partners, and researchers to discuss…

Comparative report on integrated case management for employment and social welfare users in the Western Balkans

Comparative report on integrated case management for employment and social welfare users in the Western Balkans

This comparative report on integrated case management for employment and social welfare users analyses the legal, policy and institutional framework for collaborative approaches and the practices applied by national and local actors as a basis on which to build up an integrated case management system in the Western Balkans.

Workshop of the European Centre’s National Liaison Officials (NLOs)

Workshop of the European Centre’s National Liaison Officials (NLOs)

European Centre is organizing the Workshop “Bridge Building in social welfare policy” for the European Centre’s National Liaison Officials (NLOs) to strengthen regional cooperation between the NLOs and to encourage project cooperation in social welfare policy and research on 19 – 20 April 2018. More precisely, the objectives of the Workshop are: To present and…