Analysis of the state system in Uzbekistan to promote an integrated approach in employment and welfare services for persons with disabilities

Analysis of the state system in Uzbekistan to promote an integrated approach in employment and welfare services for persons with disabilities

This issue highlights the European Centre’s newly published analytical report, which examines the state system in Uzbekistan to promote an integrated approach in employment and welfare services delivery for persons with disabilities. Furthermore, we would like to draw your attention to our upcoming BBinar, which focuses on the demographic changes in Bridge Building (BB) countries,…

Kick-off of Integrated Case Management (ICM) in Uzbekistan

Kick-off of Integrated Case Management (ICM) in Uzbekistan

This issue highlights the kick-off of Integrated Case Management (ICM) in Uzbekistan. Moreover, we inform about a call for proposals on poverty alleviation in third countries from the perspective of Austria, a conference on Central and Eastern Europe at the University of Dubrovnik in September 2024 and the updated country fact sheets for Armenia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, North Macedonia and Serbia. Aditionally, check out further calls and publications and enjoy reading the EESPN newsletter!

Evaluation findings of the BB Peer Reviews and Trainings project

Evaluation findings of the BB Peer Reviews and Trainings project

This issue features evaluation findings of the bridge-building Peer Reviews and Trainings project in an infographic. The policy brief on key findings of these mutual learning activities implemented by the European Centre together with its partners in the bridge-building countries provides further background and insights. Check out the April issue of our newsletter!

Snapshots & report of the BB Peer Review on deinstitutionalisation

Snapshots & report of the BB Peer Review on deinstitutionalisation

In this EESPN issue, we present the snapshots and the corresponding report of the BB Peer Review on deinstitutionalisation of children and persons with disabilities. Additionally, we inform you about the 6th BBinar. Check it out and enjoy reading the rest of the September issue of the EESPN newsletter here!