Journal article: Weathering intermediated temporary labour mobility: social partners in Central and Eastern Europe after EU enlargement

Journal article: Weathering intermediated temporary labour mobility: social partners in Central and Eastern Europe after EU enlargement

This article highlights the growing significance of intermediated temporary labour mobility, and how it has put further pressure on industrial relations institutions in Central and Eastern Europe since EU enlargement.

Conference: Central and Eastern Europe: A Dynamically Changing Region in an Ever-Changing World

Conference: Central and Eastern Europe: A Dynamically Changing Region in an Ever-Changing World

The RSA’s CEE Conference in Dubrovnik provides an opportunity for researchers, policymakers, practitioners, and students working in all areas related to regional policy, regional development and regional studies to come together and discuss the changing internal and external dynamics of CEE. The conference organisers warmly invite sessions and papers which look at CEE from the inside out and others which look at CEE from the outside in.

Integrated approach in employment and welfare services delivery in Uzbekistan

Integrated approach in employment and welfare services delivery in Uzbekistan

The project “Addressing socio-economic inequalities in a time of global and regional instabilities” is a joint initiative of the Ministry of Employment and Poverty Reduction of the Republic of Uzbekistan and UNDP. The European Centre has been commissioned by UNDP to carry out research, analysis and mapping of integrated approaches applied in employment and welfare services in Uzbekistan.

Contracting chains and recruitment patterns of posted TCNs within the EU

Contracting chains and recruitment patterns of posted TCNs within the EU

The European Labour Authority has commissioned a study on the participation of third-country workers in the provision of services through posting within the European Union to be conducted by the European Centre in collaboration with Milieu Consulting SRL during 2024. The study concerns the collection of background material and drafting of a report on contracting chains and recruitment patterns of posted third-country nationals for three case studies, namely Poland, Portugal, and Slovenia.