Kick-off of Integrated Case Management (ICM) in Uzbekistan

UNDP together with the National Agency for Social Protection under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research kicked-off the initiative to implement Integrated Case Management (ICM) in Uzbekistan with transformative workshops on April 18-19, enhancing welfare and employment for people with disabilities.

Participants of the workshops comprised approximately sixty stakeholders per day including the National Agency for Social Protection, the Ministry of Employment and Poverty Reduction, and the NGO Sharoit Plus. The workshops, moderated by Anette Scoppetta, focused on enhancing cooperation among diverse partners and establishing a robust network to support this initiative.

The workshops were vital for setting up ICM in Uzbekistan and implementing the ICM pilot in Tashkent. During the meetings held prior to the workshops (16-17 April 2024) potential implementing partners in Tashkent, namely the Inson Centre in Almazar district, the Monocentre in Yashnabod district and the PES in Mirzo-Ulugbek district of Tashkent stated their need for extended information exchange and interest in intensified collaboration. Next to a training in the form of a „Train of Trainers” model, an analytical report and an analytical paper will be published that aim to build capacities on ICM for the pilot implementation in Tashkent.

Learn more about the project here

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