First BB Summer School on Social Welfare took place at the European Centre
The European Centre together with the CEI-Central European Initiative implemented the ‘Bridge Building Summer School on Social Welfare‘ (BBSummer School) to buil capacities and overcome societal challenges from January until August 2017. Eleven participants from Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine successfully completed the BB Summer School at the European Centre, in Vienna, Austria, from 10 to 14 July 2017. Researchers, practitioners and CSO representatives gathered to foster channels of learning, communication, and partnerships. The main outcomes of the BB Summer School include: the learning of best practices, the exchange of knowledge and experiences, the development of collaborative work, and the strengthening of the Eastern European Social Policy Network (EESPN). The summer school’s key event, the EESPN Public Forum, was hosted by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection. Together with approximately 45 people, the key note speakers Dr. Cartwright and Ms Marić approached the question of ‘Divided society – Cohesive Europe?’. Read more about the full project here
Please find outputs on the BB summer school here:
Short report_BB-summer school

The summer school is co-funded by the Central European Initiative.