Labour Mobility & OSH Vulnerability of Posted Workers

Book chapter: Labour Mobility & OSH Vulnerability of Posted Workers by Danaj et al. In this chapter, S. Danaj, K. Hollan, and A. Scoppetta focus on the occupational safety and health (OSH) of temporary cross-border labour migrants posted to Austria and the Slovak Republic. Based on empirical interview data with public authorities, social partners and…

Here, not to stay! The posting of third country nationals to Austria

Policy Brief: Here, not to stay! The posting of third country nationals to Austria by Danaj et al. This Policy Brief describes the trend of the posting of third-country workers from Bosnia and Herzegovina via Slovenia to Austria and its drivers. It also discusses why workers from Bosnia and Herzegovina agree to be posted via…

Policy Brief: Tracking Policy Responses to COVID-19: Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions

Policy Brief: Tracking Policy Responses to COVID-19: Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions by Daly et al. Governments have responded to the Covid-19 pandemic by adopting a wide range of policy measures with different effects on infection rates and deaths, but also varying socio-economic consequences. The Oxford Supertracker at the Department of Social Policy and Intervention (DSPI)…

Criminal Law Protection of People with Disabilities against Discrimination in the Republic of Serbia

Criminal Law Protection of People with Disabilities against Discrimination in the Republic of Serbia

Persons with disabilities in the Republic of Serbia are a very sensitive category that is discriminated against in multiple ways and excluded from the main social aspects. The mechanisms of protecting persons with disabilities, securing equal representation and their complete integration are achieved through adequate legislation and criminal laws, and also special protection in big crisis such as pandemic COVID-19.

An Interactive OnLine Platform for students and Practitioners of Social Work in Serbia and the wider region

An Interactive OnLine Platform for students and Practitioners of Social Work in Serbia and the wider region

At the beginning of April 2020, when we all have got convinced that the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to disrupt even more the environments in which social service users and social care beneficiaries live, and to have several negative consequences for their well-being and protection, the need for united activities of all social actors became imperative.

The impact of COVID-19 on persons with disabilities across Europe

The impact of COVID-19 on persons with disabilities across Europe

Persons with disabilities are among the most affected groups during the COVID-19 pandemic. The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) recently reported that the pandemic continues to affect the provision of essential services such as education, healthcare, community-based support and transport for persons with disabilities.