Recent developments in the childcare and child protection system in Armenia

Recent developments in the childcare and child protection system in Armenia

Since 2001, the Armenian Government in cooperation with international and local organizations has been carrying out reforms aimed to establish and strengthen the childcare and protection system. As a result of these efforts the number of children living in residential care institutions has decreased drastically: based on official data from 12,700 children kept in close state education and care institutions in 2001, to 1,429 in 2019.

Impacts of Pandemics and Epidemics on Child Protection

Review: Impacts of Pandemics and Epidemics on Child Protection by Bakrania et al. – Lessons Learned from a Rapid Review in the Context of COVID-19 This rapid review collates and synthesizes evidence on the child protection impacts of COVID-19 (coronavirus) and previous pandemics, epidemics and infectious disease outbreaks. It provides lessons for global and national…

An Economic Outlook to the Republic of Kosovo and the recent impact of COVID-19

An Economic Outlook to the Republic of Kosovo and the recent impact of COVID-19

Due to its rapid spread the government of the Republic of Kosovo, in accordance with the recommendations of the National Institute of Public Health in Kosovo, and similar to most other countries in the world, starting from March 13, 2020 imposed measures which restricted many economic activities and then restricted the movement of people.

2020 Updated Reviews: on the European Pillar of Social Rights in the Western Balkans

2020 Updated Reviews: on the European Pillar of Social Rights in the Western Balkans

The European Centre updated the existing reviews on the European Pillar of Social Rights in the Western Balkans: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia, and Serbia. The European Centre had already been engaged as international expert organization in the original reviews prepared in 2018. On behalf of the Regional Cooperation Council,…

Labour Mobility & OSH Vulnerability of Posted Workers

Book chapter: Labour Mobility & OSH Vulnerability of Posted Workers by Danaj et al. In this chapter, S. Danaj, K. Hollan, and A. Scoppetta focus on the occupational safety and health (OSH) of temporary cross-border labour migrants posted to Austria and the Slovak Republic. Based on empirical interview data with public authorities, social partners and…

Here, not to stay! The posting of third country nationals to Austria

Policy Brief: Here, not to stay! The posting of third country nationals to Austria by Danaj et al. This Policy Brief describes the trend of the posting of third-country workers from Bosnia and Herzegovina via Slovenia to Austria and its drivers. It also discusses why workers from Bosnia and Herzegovina agree to be posted via…

Policy Brief: Tracking Policy Responses to COVID-19: Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions

Policy Brief: Tracking Policy Responses to COVID-19: Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions by Daly et al. Governments have responded to the Covid-19 pandemic by adopting a wide range of policy measures with different effects on infection rates and deaths, but also varying socio-economic consequences. The Oxford Supertracker at the Department of Social Policy and Intervention (DSPI)…

Criminal Law Protection of People with Disabilities against Discrimination in the Republic of Serbia

Criminal Law Protection of People with Disabilities against Discrimination in the Republic of Serbia

Persons with disabilities in the Republic of Serbia are a very sensitive category that is discriminated against in multiple ways and excluded from the main social aspects. The mechanisms of protecting persons with disabilities, securing equal representation and their complete integration are achieved through adequate legislation and criminal laws, and also special protection in big crisis such as pandemic COVID-19.