InCARE project launched
InCARE aims to develop a coherent and coordinated approach to the development of LTC policy and care services at local and regional level.
InCARE aims to develop a coherent and coordinated approach to the development of LTC policy and care services at local and regional level.
Book chapter: Labour Mobility & OSH Vulnerability of Posted Workers by Danaj et al. In this chapter, S. Danaj, K. Hollan, and A. Scoppetta focus on the occupational safety and health (OSH) of temporary cross-border labour migrants posted to Austria and the Slovak Republic. Based on empirical interview data with public authorities, social partners and…
Policy Brief: Here, not to stay! The posting of third country nationals to Austria by Danaj et al. This Policy Brief describes the trend of the posting of third-country workers from Bosnia and Herzegovina via Slovenia to Austria and its drivers. It also discusses why workers from Bosnia and Herzegovina agree to be posted via…
The report focuses on the specific regional labour mobility patterns between Bosnia and Her zegovina (BiH) as a third country, Slovenia as a sending country, and Austria as a receiving country.
Our staff are working from home and can be reached by e-mail or phone.
The POW-Bridge Kick-Off and Methodology Seminar brought together partners from six countries & two candidate countries in Vienna on 27 February 2020.
K. Leichsenring from the European Centre sign the MoU with D. Haraqia from the Employment Agency of Kosovo.
The European Centre started the new POW-Bridge project on the gap between procedures and practices in posting of workers company regulation covering Austria, Slovenia, Italy, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Serbia, and North Macedonia.
The final EEPOW national event was held on 14 November 2019 in Bitola, North Macedonia. The event was organized as a panel discussion moderated by Aleksandra Iloska, PUBLIC, under the title Migration, Labour Mobility and Cross-Border Cooperation with inputs from our colleague Sonila Danaj,
In this new Policy brief, the authors present language barriers faced by posted workers in nine European Union countries.