The social investment approach in Western Balkan & Eastern Partnership countries

The social investment approach in Western Balkan & Eastern Partnership countries

At the 5th BBinar on 13 June 2023 about 40 stakeholders came together to discuss what role the social investment approach to social welfare policies can and should play in supporting sustainable development in the Western Balkan and the Eastern Partnership countries.

European Centre organised the 2nd BB Policy Review on gender equality and care for relatives

European Centre organised the 2nd BB Policy Review on gender equality and care for relatives

The European Centre organised the 2nd BB Policy Review on ‘Gender Equality and Care for relatives’ on 05 and 06 June 2023. Around 40 representatives registered from ministries and public bodies from Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kosovo, Moldova, and Ukraine.

EESPN relaunch

EESPN relaunch

We relaunched our EESPN website! The new website offers a clear mission statement and includes more details about the BB region, namely the Western Balkans and the Eastern Partnership countries, in a concise user-friendly overview. The interconnected activities, events and publications linked to each country reveal the uniqueness of our network in the BB region….

Enhancing social inclusion of persons with disabilities in the Western Balkans

Enhancing social inclusion of persons with disabilities in the Western Balkans

In this policy brief, the team explores challenges and barriers persons with disabilities face to full social inclusion and propose policy options to address them through investment in and better access to (vocational) education, public funding of personal assistance, and improved data collection for evidence-based policy making.