Study visit: Moldovan high-level delegation in the frame of the Data for Impact project

Study visit: Moldovan high-level delegation in the frame of the Data for Impact project

On 17 January 2024 the Moldovan high-level delegation engaged in a study visit in the frame of the Data for Impact project (funded by USAID) at the European Centre in Vienna. This is part of the ongoing cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Moldova as part of our Bridge Building function.

Project Event on the BB Policy Review “Policy measures to mitigate the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on vulnerable groups”

Project Event on the BB Policy Review “Policy measures to mitigate the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on vulnerable groups”

The European Centre organised the 6th (and last) BB policy review in social welfare on 07 and 08 November 2023 on Policy measures to mitigate the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on vulnerable groups. Around 35 representatives registered from ministries and public bodies from Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kosovo, Moldova, and Ukraine. Excellent expert inputs were provided by UNFPA, Eurofound, the Slovakian Institute for Labour and Family Research as well as the Montenegrin Institute for Strategic Studies and Prognosis.

Study by the Red Cross of Serbia: Long-term care of older persons and persons with disabilities in the Western Balkans

Study by the Red Cross of Serbia: Long-term care of older persons and persons with disabilities in the Western Balkans

This study was developed as part of a three-year initiative in the Western Balkans region entitled “Strengthening the resilience of older people and people with disabilities during COVID-19 and future disasters”. The project is coordinated by the Red Cross and supported by the European Union, the Austrian Development Agency and the Austrian Red Cross.

Report on the Bridge Building Policy Review “Gender Equality and Care for Relatives”

Report on the Bridge Building Policy Review “Gender Equality and Care for Relatives”

This report summarises insights gained during the Policy Review “Gender Equality and Care for Relatives”. The event served as a platform for the BB countries to explore their experiences, strategies, existing institutional structures and approach in care policies related to two crucial aspects for gender equality: policies that help women integrate into the job market and policies on support systems for those in need of care.

Snapshots & report of the BB Peer Review on deinstitutionalisation

Snapshots & report of the BB Peer Review on deinstitutionalisation

In this EESPN issue, we present the snapshots and the corresponding report of the BB Peer Review on deinstitutionalisation of children and persons with disabilities. Additionally, we inform you about the 6th BBinar. Check it out and enjoy reading the rest of the September issue of the EESPN newsletter here!