North Macedonia: sustainably improve home care by the Red Cross
The Red Cross of North Macedonia (RCNM) will focus on piloting an innovative community-based approach to care for dependent elderly.
The Red Cross of North Macedonia (RCNM) will focus on piloting an innovative community-based approach to care for dependent elderly.
In this first InCARE newsletter, the team gathered a series of short articles illustrating the many developments since the project was kicked-off in November 2020.
The Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine aims to unite all departments into a single convenient and effective online system and make communication convenient and transparent.
The Bridge Building (BB) Peer Reviews and Trainings project kicked off yesterday. Andreas Schaller, Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection of Austria and Anette Scoppetta, European Centre were opening the online event. Representatives of social protection and health care public authorities from six Bridge Building countires were present at the event….
Alexandre Sidorenko gives an input on Active and healthy ageing: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic on 29 June 2021, 13:00-15:00 CET. The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs – Division for Inclusive Social Development – is coordinating the webinar on COVID-19 & its impact on older persons in low-and-middle-income countries. Register here
The European Centre is currently updating the six reviews of the Western Balkan countries regarding the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR).
The project builds on the need for mutual learning between countries of the Bridging (BB) Function. The European Centre offers Peer Reviews and Training dedicated to specific topics in social welfare.
The European Centre team will support UNICEF Moldova in drafting the Situation Analysis of children and adolescents in Moldova. The Situation Analysis examines the degree of realization of children’s rights, investigates the unequal realization of rights across different areas/dimensions and identifies the drivers of unequal realization (UNICEF, 2019).
The Second Mutual Learning Lab (MLL2) of the POW-BRIDGE project took place on 26 May 2021. The aim of MLL2 was to follow up on the results from the first Mutual Learning Lab (MLL1) and to identify and discuss solutions addressing main challenges in the implementation practice of the posting of workers rules in 8…
The recent Policy brief shows that local innovators should shift focus away from ‘best practice‘ initiatives and towards defining the ‘best fit for purpose‘ initiatives.