Kick-off of Integrated Case Management (ICM) in Uzbekistan

Kick-off of Integrated Case Management (ICM) in Uzbekistan

UNDP together with the National Agency for Social Protection under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research kicked-off the initiative to implement Integrated Case Management (ICM) in Uzbekistan with transformative workshops on April 18-19, enhancing welfare and employment for people with disabilities.

Call for Proposals: Poverty Alleviation in Third Countries

Call for Proposals: Poverty Alleviation in Third Countries

The Austrian Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection (BMSGPK) is allocating additional funds for projects and initiatives aimed at combating poverty in third countries. Up to 12 million Euros will be provided through a specific call for proposals for projects by non-profit organisations based in Austria, to be implemented in collaboration with local partner organisations in the target countries.

Evaluation findings – BB Peer Reviews and Trainings project

Evaluation findings – BB Peer Reviews and Trainings project

The purpose of BB Peer Reviews and Training project evaluation was to assess participants’ satisfaction and the policy impact of the project. This infographic provides a summary of the evaluation findings, covering overall impression, learning outcomes, exchange and knowledge sharing between experts.

Integrated approach in employment and welfare services delivery in Uzbekistan

Integrated approach in employment and welfare services delivery in Uzbekistan

The project “Addressing socio-economic inequalities in a time of global and regional instabilities” is a joint initiative of the Ministry of Employment and Poverty Reduction of the Republic of Uzbekistan and UNDP. The European Centre has been commissioned by UNDP to carry out research, analysis and mapping of integrated approaches applied in employment and welfare services in Uzbekistan.

Contracting chains and recruitment patterns of posted TCNs within the EU

Contracting chains and recruitment patterns of posted TCNs within the EU

The European Labour Authority has commissioned a study on the participation of third-country workers in the provision of services through posting within the European Union to be conducted by the European Centre in collaboration with Milieu Consulting SRL during 2024. The study concerns the collection of background material and drafting of a report on contracting chains and recruitment patterns of posted third-country nationals for three case studies, namely Poland, Portugal, and Slovenia.

Project Event on the BB Policy Review “Policy measures to mitigate the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on vulnerable groups”

Project Event on the BB Policy Review “Policy measures to mitigate the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on vulnerable groups”

The European Centre organised the 6th (and last) BB policy review in social welfare on 07 and 08 November 2023 on Policy measures to mitigate the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on vulnerable groups. Around 35 representatives registered from ministries and public bodies from Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kosovo, Moldova, and Ukraine. Excellent expert inputs were provided by UNFPA, Eurofound, the Slovakian Institute for Labour and Family Research as well as the Montenegrin Institute for Strategic Studies and Prognosis.

EESPN relaunch

EESPN relaunch

We relaunched our EESPN website! The new website offers a clear mission statement and includes more details about the BB region, namely the Western Balkans and the Eastern Partnership countries, in a concise user-friendly overview. The interconnected activities, events and publications linked to each country reveal the uniqueness of our network in the BB region….