
BBinar: Demographic changes in BB countries – challenges, opportunities and responses

The eighth BBinar focused on the demographic changes in BB countries, the challenges they pose, what opportunities may arise, and what are the possible policy responses. This is in a context where the world is experiencing some of the most dramatic demographic changes in human history. The Western Balkans and the Eastern Partnership countries are no exception. The demographic change there overlaps with profound political, economic, and social transformations, which create idiosyncrasies and patterns without parallel in peace-time demographic history. The BBinar will address some of the idiosyncrasies and patterns that have most salient implications for social policies, individual wellbeing, and inter-generational relations (for example, the combination of natural population decreases and net emigration, the disordered cohort flows, etc.).

Event details:

02/07/2024, 10:00 – 11:30 CET

Online via Zoom


Introductory Input (Welcome):

  • Kai Leichsenring, European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research (Austria)

Input presentation:

  • Nikolai Botev, Independent Expert*

Comments to the presentation:

  • Alexandre Sidorenko, European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research
  • Victor Gîlca, Independent Expert

*Nikolai Botev’s career has spanned academia and international organizations. He has worked for the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), incl. as Director of the office for Central Asia, and for the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), incl. as acting Chief of its Population Unit. Prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, he was part of HSE University’s “Digital Professors”. He holds a PhD in Demography from the University of Pennsylvania and has published in journals like the American Sociological ReviewPopulation and Development Review, etc. Springer recently published his The Sexuality-Reproduction Nexus and the Three Demographic Transitions: An Integrative Framework.

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