
Get to know our BB country Armenia &
what we have done so far together.

Country at a glance

Armenian flag
Flag of Armenia
Capital cityYerevan
Relation to the European CentreRelationship established through
BB peer reviews, common projects & events
Country Fact Sheet (CFS) 2024 prepared in the framework of an institutional collaboration between the European Centre & the Central European UniversityDownload below
Highlight: Armenian Training

Training on ‘Quality assurance in delivering social services’

The team of the European Centre provided a tailor-made online training to around 40 officials to the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of Armenia & public authorities on quality assurance in delivering social services for persons with disabilities, older people and children, on 20 and 21 June 2023. Get a glimpse of the Armenian BB Policy Review in the snapshots.

Peer review: Fighting undeclared work in the bridge building countries
BB Peer Reviews & Trainings | Workshop

Peer review: Fighting undeclared work in the bridge building countries

From 5-6 December 2024, the Ministry of Finance, Labour, and Transfers of the Republic of Kosovo hosted an insightful peer review dedicated to addressing the challenge of undeclared work in the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership. Peers from Albania, Armenia, and Moldova—representing Ministries, Labour Inspectorates, and Tax Administrations—came together to exchange ideas and best practices. The…